ICT - After announcing its benchmark scores, Quy Nhon University (QNU) got everything ready to welcome its Course 46 new students who arrived to complete their enrolment procedures at Hall A and Hall B for 03 days (September 6 - 8, 2023).

New students arrive at QNU very early to complete their enrolment procedures
During the enrolment session, QNU was bustling with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere of welcoming its new students. Before their official enrolment date at QNU, the Course 46 new students had completed their online declarations on QNU's online admissions portal at https://nhaphoc.qnu.edu.vn. To create the most favorable conditions for its new students and their families, QNU had got everything ready in terms of facilities and boards providing the information on enrolment procedures placed in many locations on the campus and announced the information on newsletters and mass media. The officials in charge and the student volunteers gave detailed instructions, which helped the new students to complete their enrolment procedures quickly. According to the plan, after the enrollment, the new students will begin the first semester of the 2023 - 2024 academic year on September 11, 2023.

The friendly and relaxed atmosphere at the enrolment session at QNU
Understanding the anxieties of new students when they have to leave home to begin experiencing a new life with many opportunities and challenges, QNU is always ready to assist and accompany them in their journey. Be confident and assert yourselves so that you will become global citizens in the future.
Wishing QNU’s 46 Course new students a good start full of joy, full of energy and the best academic achievements!
Minh Hien
Truong Van Dinh