Vietnamese Studies
Vietnamese Studies is the study of the country and people of Vietnam from the elements of culture, history, geography, customs, language, literature, etc, to clarify the unique features, research in a comprehensive and diversifying manner in terms of the fields of a nation from the cultural perspective.
Major: Vietnamese Studies
Code: 7310630
Subject group Literature, History, Geography
Maths, Literature, English Literature, Geography, English
Literature, History, Civic Education
* Students of Vietnamese Studies - Tourism Culture are:
- equipped with a basic, systematic, modern and practical knowledge about Vietnamese studies, tourism science, Vietnamese language and culture.
- Able to foster and improve Vietnamese language skills and knowledge about Vietnamese people, culture and tourism for foreigners of Vietnamese origin. Foreign students must also practise their skills in using Vietnamese, being fluent in interpreting, translating, studying, teaching Vietnamese Studies and Vietnamese.
- Able to use information technology in specialized research
* Graduates can take on work associated with the language, tourism and culture in Vietnam. Specifically:
- Able to continue to do further studies of Vietnam.
- Able to do the work of managing tourism in Vietnam.
- Able to work as a tour guide in Vietnam.
- Able to work in culture and tourism agencies.
- Able to work in diplomatic agencies and international organizations.
- Able to work in commercial offices, representative offices, governmental and non-governmental organizations, both at home abroad.
- Able to teach Vietnamese or work as interreters or translators.
- Able to go on to graduate school in the fields: Literature, History, Economics, Tourism , Orientalism, Cultural Studies, etc.
Students are trained with:
- Highly-qualified and experienced lecturers.
- A program designed in the standard framework of MoET and regularly updated.
- A dynamic learning environment with modern facilities.
- In the third year, students are trained to sharpen specific skills in cultural studies or in preparation for job requirements of tour guides, managers, cultural managers, managers of tourism, hotels, restaurants, etc.
The program lasts 04 years with 135 credits (excluding subjects of physical education, national defense education), including:
- General Knowledge: 22 credits (excluding the conditional Physical Education, National Defense and Security).
- Cultural knowledge: 48 credits
- Specialized subjects in tourism: 52 credits
- Graduation thesis or alternative subjects: 7 credits
- Content of the program includes a basic knowledge about culture, tourism. The specialized knowledge enables students to work in cultural institutes, agencies and organizations engaged in tourism activities.
Students are equipped with:
- Skills in scientific research in the field of Vietnamese studies and related fields;
- Skills in conducting research or making travel plans;
- skills in travel guides.
A bachelor’s degree in Vietnamese Studies
Graduates are:
- able to work as a tour guide or tourism manager;
- able to teach Vietnamese studies at colleges, universities, research institutes, etc.
- able to work at diplomatic agencies, international organizations, representative offices, trade offices, governmental and non-governmental organizations;
- able to work in other administrative agencies;
- able to go on to graduate school.
For more information, please contact:
Vo Minh Hai, PhD
Email: minhhaiquynhon@gmail.com
Tel: 0914.035.159