Electronics Engineering - Telecommunications
Electronics engineering - telecommunications is for students who are interested in and passionate about working in the field of telecommunications and information technology, microchips, semiconductors, embedded systems and applied electronics systems and dealing with audio, video and multimedia signals. The program covers subjects related to typical technologies such as Mobile and wireless information, IoT (internet of things) connection systems, Ultra-high frequency and antenna, Telecommunications and computer networks, Broadcasting, Signal processing, Digital integrated circuits, Analog and integrated signal circuits, Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS), Embedded system design with microcontrollers, Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), Digital signal processor (DSP) and System-on-a-chip (SoC)
Major: Electronics Engineering - Telecommunications
Major code: 7520207
Subject group: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/ Maths, Physics, English/ Maths, Chemistry, English
1. Training objectives
Students are
• well-trained in the field of Electronics Engineering - Telecommunications to meet the increasing demand in the industrial revolution of 4.0;
• equipped with a general knowledge of basic science and profound knowledge and ability to apply and practice in the field of Electronics engineering, Telecommunications, Information system, Internet of things (IoT); able to operate, upgrade the electronics-telecommunications systems and equipment, able to study, design and develop Telecommunication-technology applied electronic system, Microchip technology, Semiconductors, Signal processing and Information in industry and civil engineering;
• able to continue to study and research at higher levels, able to do self-study and improve themselves to adapt to the rapid change of science, technology and society;
• able to achieve certain level of proficiency in foreign languages and information technology required to operate modern equipment, work effectively and develop professionally in the global environment;
• morally and professional good, responsible.
2. Program strengths
• Highly-qualified and experienced lecturers;
• The program is set up based on the standard curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training and updated every two years with the motto "Training in accordance with reality and development trend";
• A dynamic learning environment with modern facilities;
• A system of various and regularly invested laboratories;
• Students are provided with practical experience in technology corporations such as Viettel, FPT, Mobile phone, VNPT, etc…
3. Program contents
The program lasts 4 to 5 years, including 150 credits, excluding Physical Education (4 credits) and National Defense Education (8 credits).
Including are:
General knowledge
• Mathematics (Probability and Mathematic statistics - Methods of calculating numbers - Planning and Optimization).
• Computer Science (high-level programming language C/C++ - Computer structure and assembly, operating system, etc.);
• English
Professional education knowledge
• Basic subjects:
• Electronics (Electronic Engineering Principles - Semiconductor Components and Microchips - Optics);
• Control Measurement (Electronic Measurement Techniques - Control Techniques, Control Systems);
• Telecommunications (Video broadcasting technique - Digital Signal Processing - Digital Information);
• Practice (Digital - Electronics)
• Specialized subjects:
• Electronics and Computer Engineering: Electronics in industry and laboratories, Electronic equipment assembly technology, Electronic circuit simulation, Design of microprocessor control system, Embedded system, VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) circuit design, Quantum electronics (photonic), etc.
• Telecommunication system: Ultra-high frequency techniques, telecommunication system in new generation, radio waves transmissions, antenna techniques, satellite information, mobile information, optical information, etc.
Skills accumulated:
• Able to use foreign languages and information technology to handle assigned tasks in domestic and foreign companies;
• Able to analyze, synthesize and solve technical problems in practice;
• Able to think independently, work in team effectively, and be able to present and report results;
• Able to design, install and operate electronics and telecommunications equipment and systems and information systems;
• Morally good and professionally responsible as well as able to do self-study and research for life.
4. Qualities and skills required
• Morally good, healthy;
•Fully aware of self-study, persistent, patient, responsibble;
• skilled in teamwork as well as in organizing and managing time effectively.
5. Qualifications
• A bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering - Telecommunications (in the Vietnam national diploma system)
6. Opportunities to study at a higher level
• able to go on to graduate school.
7. Job opportunities
Graduates can work at:
- Institutes, centers: Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology and Information Techonogy (IT), NACENTECH, VIELINA, Institute of Military Technology & Electronics, information centers and telecommunications centers across the country.
• Departments: Authority of Radio Frequency Management, ICT Department, Customs IT and Statistic Department, Post and Telecommunications Department, Science and Technology Department.
• Military Telecom Corporation, Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group, Vietnamese Multimedia Corporation, etc. and a series of companies, affiliated units: Electronics telecommunications maritime company, VTC Telecommunications Electronics Corporation, VTC Information Technology Development company, Inter-provincial and international Telecom Company, the security agencies, national defense, The system of radio and television stations from the central to local level.
• Corporations, multinational corporations: Intel, Ericssion, Sony, Samsung, Siemens, Motorola, TMA Solutions, Arrive Technologies, Applied Micro, Photron, Innova, Bosch, etc.
• Function rooms: Post and Telecommunication, telecommunications management, etc, at Post and Telecommunications Department, Post offices, etc. across the country.
• Graduates can also teach at universities, colleages and educational institutions that offer electronics and telecommunications programs
8. Strategic Partners
• Ha Noi University of Science and Technology, Da Nang University of Science and Technology and University of Tecnology Sydney.
• Telecommunications groups: Viettle Group, FPT, Mobile phone, Vinaphone and VNPT
• Organizations, agencies and enterprises: Samsung Electronic company, Binh Dinh television and Vung Chua radar station
9. Alumni’s reflections
At present, the field of Mechanicals - Electricity - Electronics in general and Electronics Engineering - Telecommunications in particular is one of the leading industries in human resources and gradually asserts its position in economic life and society. I feel very proud of choosing this major at Quy Nhon University. Four and half a year at QNU was the time I spent with the Electronics Club. The learning environment at QNU helped me to maximize my capacity not only in study but also in extra-curricular activities. The skills and experience gained during my study at QNU helps boost my confidence in my work and life.
• Nguyen Van Lam
• Position: Director of Operations Center of Region 3 - Viettel Engineering Joint Stock Company - Military Telecommunications Group.
• Email: vanlam@viettel.com.vn
10. Departmental lecturers
Huynh Cong Tu, PhD
Huynh Ng. Bao Phuong
Dao Minh Hung, PhD
Ho Van Phi, PhD
Nguyen Duc Thien, PhD student
Nguyen Duy Thong, PhD student
Nguyen Do Dung, PhD student
Pham Hong Thinh, PhD student
Nguyen Dinh Luyen, PhD student
Nguyen Tuong Thanh, PhD student
Le Nam Duong, PhD student
Le Thi Cam Ha, PhD student
For further information, please contact:
Huynh Nguyen Bao Phuong, PhD
Email: huynhnguyenbaophuong@qnu.edu.vn
Mobile: 0985 828 636

11. Science products of students
• Reconnaissance robot