ICT - According to the results announced by Webometrics in July 2023, Quy Nhon University (QNU) ranks 23rd out of 186 ranked universities in Vietnam and 185th out of the higher education institutions in Southeast Asia.
QNU ranks 23rd out of 186 ranked universities in Vietnam (Webometrics)
The rankings announced by Webometrics are based on the criteria of Visibility (with the highest weight of 50%), Excellence/Scholar (40%), Transparency/Openness (10%). These criteria of QNU are highly appreciated with many outstanding results. In the academic year 2022 - 2023, the quantity and quality of science and technology research projects at all levels and tasks of its lecturers and scientific research projects of its students have increased compared to the previous academic year. Most notably, QNU has 421 articles published in scientific journals, conference proceedings, both at home and abroad, (with 78 articles in the Web of Science and 34 articles in Scopus.
QNU ranks 185th out of higher education institutions in Southeast Asia (Webometrics)
In addition, The QNU journal of Science has been put on the list of the scoring scientific journals by the State Council for Professors for 06 disciplines and inter-disciplines. The journal was officially included in the national and international databases such as Crossref (DOI), Google Scholar, VJOL, VCGate and it is getting its dossier ready to join the Southeast Asian Citation System - ACI. In addition to the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN: 1859-0357) for the printed journal, the Journal has registered an international standard serial number for the electronic version (E-ISSN: 2815-6242). Currently, the Journal implements the process of sending, receiving and publishing articles on the Online Journal Management System at https://qnujs.vn. The QNU Journal of Science has actively helped to disseminate new scientific and technological information from domestic and foreign research to its readers, scientists, lecturers, and students, contributing to the advancement of QNU’s training, scientific research as well as its prestige.
Minh Hien