The "Golden Bell FEA 2024" competition aims to enhance students' knowledge of Economics, Accounting, and Auditing within the Faculty. Simultaneously, it provides a beneficial platform for students to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills related to Economics, Accounting, and Auditing. On the morning of April 14th, 2024, the Economics and Accounting Union organized the "Golden Bell FEA 2024" competition.

The competition was attended by Associate Professor Dr. Tran Thi Cam Thanh - Secretary of the Party Cell, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Ho Huu Hung - Member of the Executive Committee of the University Student Union, Le Anh Nguyen - Member of the Executive Committee of the University Student Union, Dr. Le Mong Huyen - Secretary of the Union's Executive Committee; Ms. Pham Thi Lai, Dr. Su Thi Thu Hang - Head of Training and Administration Department of the CEA, along with the program advisors and faculty members in the Faculty. The competition took place at the Multi-purpose Gymnasium of Quy Nhon University, with the participation of 100 contestants who were students from the Faculty of Economics and Accounting, as well as many other students who came to cheer for the competition

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Thi Cam Thanh - Secretary of the Party Cell, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting, delivered the opening competition

Students participating in the "Golden Bell FEA 2024" competition

Students participating in cheering for the "Golden Bell FEA 2024" competition
In the competition, contestants answered 25 questions revolving around knowledge of economics, accounting, auditing, and finance. Each contestant had 30 seconds to think and write down their answers. The contestant who answered question number 25 correctly would be the one to ring the golden bell. With enthusiastic support and assistance from the faculty members and fellow students, contestants in the "Golden Bell" competition went through 22 questions.

The team that won the first prize consists of Truong Huynh Gia Han – Economics K44, and Dao Nguyen Nhat Quynh - Accounting K46D.
When contestants answered incorrectly and were temporarily eliminated from the competition, it was also the time they had to rely on the assistance of the teachers. In addition, the teachers' rescue segment and the interactive activities for the audience brought an atmosphere of excitement and suspense to the program, making it lively, enjoyable, and enthusiastic.

The Advisory Board of the program participated in the rescue segment of the competition
The "Golden Bell FEA 2024" competition serves as a platform for students to showcase their talents, intelligence, and creativity. It provides an opportunity for knowledge exchange and sharing, allowing students to test their abilities and demonstrate their intellectual capabilities in the field of economics in general. Additionally, it encourages students to explore and master knowledge, cultivate habits of critical thinking and creativity in the learning process, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of academic results.

The organizers, delegates, and guests took photos
Le Nguyen Hoai My Duyen
Pham Thi Lai
Executive Committee of the Economics and Accounting Union